About Me
I’m a graduate from Western Illinois University, Waubonsee Community College, and Oswego East High School. At Western, I majored in graphic design and was a graduate of the Centennial Honors College finishing with a 3.87 GPA. As an honors student, every semester I completed a semester long project of my choice. This included creating an animated music video, learning how to paint in Photoshop, and designing the bus maps for the city of Macomb.
As a student at Waubonsee I majored in art with an emphasis in graphic design, and took many classes in drawing, design, painting, and graphic design.
I worked as a scriv in the archives and library of Western Illinois University. Exciting as it sounds for you book lovers, it was mostly re-shelving books, cleaning and dusting them. I was there just over a year.
I’ve also worked at Philmont, the largest summer camp in the country. In 2022 and 2023, I worked at base camp at the Villa Philmonte as a tour guide. Both summers were amazing, and it’s one of the most amazing jobs I’ve ever had. In 2025 I’ll be a program counselor at Clear Creek. For any college students with summers off, I would highly recommend.
I’ve also worked at Office Max for 4 years in both the print shop and as an assistant manager.
I love drawing, painting and reading. I’ve taken several oil painting classes at the Dupage Art Leauge and am a regular attendee for Board Game Night at the Warrenville Public Library. I also play a Druid of the Circle of Wildfire in a D&D campaign at the Oswego Public Library and occasionally play Magic The Gathering there as well.