Going To The Bristol Ren Faire
A Pirate and A Fairy
A few nights before we embarked on our trip, Lauren and I made plans to prepare our uniforms, cough, cough, I mean costumes. We went to Spirit Halloween, before it vanished for the season like the travelling Witchlight Carnival and began to shop. We tried out a number of hats and necklaces, before settling on our outfits, she would become a bubblegum pink fairy, and I would become the friendly neighborhood pirate, more interested in casual conversation and bar hopping, then killing or thieving. I got a white shirt from Goodwill, red fabric that I cut and tore from Hobby Lobby, and a necklace, hat and a few other trinkets from Spirit.
At Spirit Halloween Trying On Costumes
In Lauren’s Driveway, about to embark on our 90 minute drive to Bristol
We’re Going To The Faire
Originally planned to be 4 of us, Lauren’s brother dropped out last minute and we became the three musketeers, Lauren, myself, and her mom. Yes, really. Her mom did complain most of the drive up, longest hour and a half of my life, she also complained most of the day as we were walking around, but that’s okay.
We got out of the car, joining the hordes of minstrels, princesses, knights, and occasional peasants marching their way to the entrance gates.
The Queen’s Joust
The Green Knight
The Pre-Show
Fried Pickles and Other Gifts
Sitting on the throne of the dragon
Lauren and I posing next to an unusual statue
The Hangman Competition
Getting ready to hang myself
I made it 48 seconds! Almost Half way there :) Hopefully I’ll have better luck next year.