Books I’ve Read


Not much to report yet, this page will be updated throughout the year. Van Gogh’s biography was long, but captivating. Priceless was a bit repetitive at times, as many business books are, but it was a quick read and ventured much further into the land of psychological experiments then I expected. A much stronger focus on phycological games and tricks, bargaining, asking for a raise, anchor point pricing, and other similar ideas. Not all that much on pricing itself.


This year I’ve been captivated by the biographies from Robert K. Massie, particularly his two on Catherine the Great and Peter The Great. He makes it feel as if Catherine is your grandmother, and your sitting by a warm fire at her dining room table as she’s telling you her stories. I have never met another biographer who has brought people to life in a more humanizing way then he does, and for all of the complexities of powerful autocrats, I have never felt more sympathy for two individuals on a page.

Yes, this is the first time I’ve ever read any of the Harry Potter books. No, I haven’t read the seventh. I’m not sure why I chose to read them after all this time. I don’t plan to read the final book.

She Said Yes was an unexpected find for me. It’s a memoir written by one of the families of a Columbine victim after the tragedy. Atomic Habits I would recommend to nearly everyone, in fact, I can scarcely think of a single person in my life who would not benefit from picking it up. The Art Thief I found enthralling, as an hobbyist artist myself, I was deeply enamored with the life of this outrageous collector. The Writer’s Journey is the last book I’ll mention, it’s a solid choice through and through, and I found the writing style much more accessible to modern audiences then that of Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces.


Some People You Should Know


The Mysterious Lisa Middelhauve: Frontwoman of Xandria