Music For A Warm Winter
Less Christmas, more winter, but the thought is still there. Tarja, Leah and Tuomas Holopainen.
A History of Government Simulator
The following is an excerpt from the creator of the simulation posted several years after the project fell apart and was thought to be disbanded. The excerpt was posted Feb. 6, 2024.
A Token of the Changebringer
A coin or medallion with the profile of a woman’s face, hair flowing down and swirling within the boundaries.
The Great Stone Road
“While the Aturan Empire claims to have built the Great Stone Road, any historian worth his salt knows this is patently untrue.”
Nightwish Imaginaerum
Imaginaerum is many things, least of which is being my favorite album of all time. It tells a tale of marvelous proportions on a path winding from gentle piano to heavy metal, smooth jazz to roaring orchestrations.
Our Long Forgotten Breakroom
These were all drawings and sketches hung on the walls of the small break room of my first job.