Villa Philmonte Musem Exhibits


Re-Creating The Logos In Adobe Illustrator

For the Waite Phillips Company, we only had one copy of the logo available. It was on a fading sheet of paper, cut out and laminated. I’m not sure where this representation came from, as I can’t find any images of it anywhere other then the copy we had in our museum, but that’s the one I went with.

I used the elipse and shapebuilder tools, along with the pathfinder and offset path commands to make the circular shapes. Once done, I added text and expanded it to be ready for print. Once the new blue design was finished, I took that into Photoshop and made another version, stylized to look much older.

For the Phillips 66 logo I simply found a high enough resolution version online, and used image trace to vectorize it.

Waite Phillips Oil Company Logo, I used Photoshop to add textures making it look older (Left)
The Logo I Re-Created In Illustrator, This is the base for the edits I made in Photoshop on the left (Right)

Restoring Photos in Adobe Photoshop

After doing sketches I began looking through the family’s old photo albums and making putting sticky notes next to ones we could use. I scanend every photo one at a time on our small HP printer and used Photoshop to restore and enhance them, along with fixing any scratches, tears or other blemishes.

Getting Ready For Print With Adobe InDesign

Using InDesign I combined all images, vector graphics and text into a single print ready document. I utilized object and paragraph styles to ensure it was easy to make document wide changes after rounds of feedback. I also utilized the links panel to ensure all images were at least 300 dpi. With the document setup menu I added 1/2 inch margins and 1/2 inch bleeds.

The Final Result

All of the designs were completed between July to August 2022. I only had acess to Adobe’s Creative Cloud from July 24th to August 18th (The last day of camp), and it was on my boss’s computer in his office, able to be used in between tours or when I was on break.

To see the exhibits my designs will be replacing, click the link below and take a virtual tour of the Ground Floor

All 16 panels designed for the final exhibits


Creating A Board Game - Climbing The Ladder


Western Illinois University